Acai Express On Fast Track To East Coast Growth Leading Organic Super Food Franchise soon to take on New York and New Jersey
Acai Express®, the Puerto Rico-based chain that offers a fresh fruit and nutrient-rich menu for healthier living, is focused on opening its first New Jersey location in 2018. Acai Express®’s next location will be the fourteenth (14) fast casual super food shop for the brand. From its humble beginning as a surf side food truck, Acai Express® currently has twelve (12) locations in Puerto Rico and one (1) stateside location in Cocoa Beach, Florida.
”The preference for a healthy lifestyle and the demand for a super food based diet has never been stronger.” Says Acai Express® founder, Hector Westerband. He envisions Acai Express outposts in every city in America and around the globe. The cornerstone of his fast casual shop’s menu is the acai berry, a purple, antioxidant-rich stone fruit that hails from the Amazon River basin. Through his work with Brazilian farmers, Westerband is helping support the communities in which the berry is grown, preserve the rainforest from further deforestation, and bring social responsibility to his franchise concept.